Over the last ten years we in Wildlife Management Services have been providing a wide range of services to private homeowners and property management companies. Please find an outline of these services below.
- Birds- many homeowners complain of noises made by birds, fouling from birds and nest building. The services we offer are Nest Removal and Proofing. We would also be happy to take a call from you to discuss any small scale changes that you yourself might be able to make.
- Urban Foxes- in urban centres such as Dublin, Cork, Galway and Limerick foxes are becoming more and more common. Problems caused by urban foxes are small household pets (dogs, chickens) being killed, attacked or maimed. Refuse and waste being messed during the night.
- Grey Squirrels- in rural areas grey squirrels cause problems by damaging trees and also by presenting a threat to the protected red squirrel.
- Rabbits- many rural areas have problems with rabbits. Rabbits cause a real nuisance when trying to grow a kitchen garden or for small scale vegetable growers. They also cause damage to lawns, shrubs and new trees. If you have a rabbit infestation problem it is almost impossible to maintain any level of vegetation on your property.
- Feral Cats- feral cats present a nuisance to homeowners as they are a danger to domestic cats by carrying diseases and also by being a more aggressive species. The diseases they carry can also be transferred to humans presenting a danger particularly to pregnant women. Feral cats can also raid bins and damage gardens.
- Mink- rural areas located close to a water supply can face problems with mink. The main problem caused by mink is killing chickens and poultry.
If any of these species are causing a problem in your home please do not hesitate to call us at:
087 6410206/ 057 8623042
Or refer to our FAQ’s page for further advice and small changes that you can make to deter these species on your property.